How to properly feed cats? -

How to properly feed cats?

Feeding your cat is an art that requires attention to detail and understanding of your feline friend's needs. Here's how you can organize your cat's feeding routine for optimum health and happiness. And what feeding devices will help you with this.

Understanding your cat's needs

Your cat isn't a human, but a unique creature with specific dietary requirements. Unlike dogs, cats lack enzymes to digest fiber effectively. Feeding them foods like potatoes, pasta, or bread could lead to digestive issues. It's vital to adhere to a specific diet plan for your cat's well-being.

Meal frequency and portion control

How much to feed a cat? how often to feed a cat? For a natural feeding regimen, consider feeding your cat two to three times a day. This schedule prevents food from spoiling and maintains freshness. Typically, cats should consume three to five percent of their ideal weight daily, depending on factors like age, gender, and breed.

Best cat food for indoor cats

Veterinary clinics often recommend a variety of foods for cats, including:

  1. Raw or cooked meat and offal (excluding pork), cut into small pieces.
  2. Fish, boiled without bones, served once a week at most.
  3. Boiled eggs are preferable.
  4. Dairy products like bio-kefir, low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, and sour cream. Avoid milk as adult cats may struggle to digest lactose.
  5. Fiber-rich foods such as oats, buckwheat, rice, vegetables (zucchini, carrots, peas, corn, lettuce), and sprouted grass, which aid in digestion and provide essential nutrients.
  6. Vitamin supplements are recommended periodically to complement natural diets. These supplements are available in various forms at pet stores.
  7. Fresh water should always be available in a separate bowl, ideally filtered, boiled, or bottled.

What ingredients to avoid in cat food?

  1. Bakery products.
  2. Salty, sweet, fried, spicy, fatty, or smoked foods.
  3. Sausages and sausages.
  4. Limit shrimp intake.
  5. Tube bones and bone broths.
  6. Butter, sprats, and other canned goods.

How to properly feed cats |

Ready-made cat food

While convenient, ready-made cat foods, both dry and canned, often lack balanced nutrition and quality ingredients. Consider them as supplements rather than primary sources of nutrition.

If you use ready-made cat foods don't forget to check out our automatic cat feeder and our pet feeding collection, available on our website, to make feeding time even more convenient for you and your furry friend! Feeding your cat a balanced diet ensures a long and healthy life. With the right foods and proper care, your cat will thrive and bring joy to your home every day! 🍽️

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